Youth IGF Nepal is now accepting proposals for its annual flagship event, “Youth IGF Nepal 2024,” scheduled for September 14. The theme for this year’s event is “Empowering Youths for an Open, Inclusive, and Secure Internet.” We encourage all interested stakeholders to submit session proposals that align with the main theme and address one or more of the following topics:

  • AI and Emerging Technologies
  • Youth Involvement in ICT Policy Making
  • Information Integrity and Trust

The deadline for submitting session proposals is August 30, 2024.

Session Proposal: Evaluation Criteria

Thematic Relevance

  • Does the proposal clearly address issues related to the thematic tracks and the overarching theme of Youth IGF Nepal 2024?

Inclusion and Diversity

  • Does the session incorporate viewpoints from various stakeholders and present diverse cultural, gender, and geographical perspectives?
  • Are different stakeholder groups represented on the panel, and are the panelists qualified to speak for their respective groups?
  • Does the proposal contribute to the overall diversity of the Youth IGF Nepal event, particularly in terms of gender, disability, and stakeholder representation?

Detail & Clarity

  • Does the proposal provide all required information as per the submission guidelines?
  • Are the listed panelists confirmed, and is their relevance to the issues being discussed clearly established?


  • Is the chosen format, number of speakers, and session length conducive to audience participation?
  • Does the proposal outline how the session will be conducted to encourage discussion and engagement from the audience?
  • Are there plans for session content preparation and distribution of discussion topics among the speakers, panelists, and organizers before the event?

Session Mergers

The Program Committee and MSG may suggest merging sessions with thematically similar proposals to enhance diversity and quality in the event agenda. While organizers are not obligated to accept these mergers, declining may reduce the chance of having their session included in the program.

Apply Now