
yIGF Nepal 2022 is a youth Initiative being organized to encourage and involve the young people in the substantive discussion on the Issues of Internet Governance. Given the fact that more than 40% of the current population of Nepal is represented by the youth. Youth IGF Nepal is an open forum that provides a platform for the young people to exchange their experiences and also learn about the issues of Internet governance and raise the opinions of youth in national and international policy discussions. This platform also helps in capacity building of youths representing different stakeholders in the emerging issues of Internet governance such as Digital Divide, Universal Access, AI Governance, Freedom of Expression online and more. yIGF Nepal follows the same fundamental principles of UN Internet Governance Forum (IGF) being multi-stakeholder, open, inclusive, bottom-up, and non commercial.


Event Schedule (2nd May 2022)

10:00 - 11:00

Registration and Tea/Coffee

11:00 - 11:45

Opening Remarks

11:45 - 12:00

Tea Break

12:00 - 12:30

Internet Governance Ecosystem and Nepali Landscape

12:30 - 13:00

Digital Safety: Promotion v. Protection of Youth in Digital Space

13:00 - 14:00


14:00 - 14:45

Panel Discussion on "Internet freedom, youth empowerment and challenges"

14:45 - 15:45

Panel Discussion on "Empowering the role of youths for open and inclusive internet"

15:45 - 16:00

Closing Remarks

16:00 onwards



Anja Genjo
NRI Initiative Coordinator, UN-IGF
Anju Mangal
Chair, APrIGF
Srinivas (Sunny) Chendi
Senior Advisor, APNIC
Birendra Kumar Mishra
Chair, Nepal IGF
Amrita Choudhury
Vice-Chair, APrIGF
Ananda Raj Khanal
Former MAG Member, UN-IGF
Babu Ram Aryal
Vice-Chair, APSIG
Aries Ignacio
Co-Chair, APrIGF Fellowship Committee
Sunaina Ghimire Pandey
Former Vice President, CAN Federatioin
Prabesh Subedi
Founder, Digital Media Foundation
Deepa Bhattarai
Chair, Youth IGF Nepal
Ananda Gautam
Vice-Chair/ Coordinator, Youth IGF Nepal
Ashirwad Tripathy
President, Educating Nepal
Surendra Tiwari
Advocate, Imperial Law Associates
Prapoosa KC
Advocate, Green Law Associates
Aishwariya KC
Information Security Officer, Fonepay

Supported By

Collaborating Partners

Media Partner


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