About Us

The Youth Internet Governance Forum (yIGF) Nepal is a youth initiative that was formally recognized by the United Nations Internet Governance Forum Secretariat in December 2021. Its main goal is to encourage and involve young people in substantive discussions on the issues of Internet governance.

yIGF Nepal holds annual multi-stakeholder open forums that provide a platform for young people to exchange experiences, learn about Internet governance issues, and amplify the voices of young people in national and international policy discussions. This platform also helps to build the capacity of youth from different stakeholder groups in emerging issues of Internet governance, such as the Digital Divide, Universal Access, AI Governance, Freedom of Expression online, and more.

youth IGF Nepal 2024 Event Schedule

08:30 - 09:30 Registration and networking

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09:30 - 11:30 Opening Plenary

09:30 – 10:00 Key-Note speech – Amrita Choudhary (APrIGF)

Special Guest: Anja Genjo NRI Coordinator, UN IGF Secretariat

10:00- 10:30 Background about Internet Governance and youth IGF Nepal

  • Hempal Shrestha
10:30 – 11:30 Moderated by Mr. Ashirwad Tripathy

  • Guests:
    • Mr. Surendra Basnet, Vice Chair, National Youth Council
    • Hon. Nim Giri, MP – Lumbini Provincial Assembly, Whip – Nepali Congress
    • Mr. Birendra Kumar Mishra, Nepal IGF Chair
    • Mr. Pradip Khatiwada, Founder Youth Innovation Lab
    • Ms. Deepa Bhattarai, Immediate Past Chair – Youth IGF Nepal

11:30 -11: 45 Coffee Break

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11:45 - 12:30 Youth and Multistakeholderism: Opportunities for Youth in Internet Governance Landscape

Moderator: Mr. Samik Kharel


  1. Mr. Samiran Gupta (Vice President, Managing Director APAC, ICANN)
  2. Mr. Dibya Khatiwada (Trainer, APNIC)
  3. Ms. Natalie Teracova (Vice-Chair,  ISOC Youth Standing Group)
  4. Ms. Upasana Hembram (Associate Program Officer, ISOC Foundation)

12:30 - 12:45 Flash Talk : AI Governance

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12:45 – 13:30 Lunch

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13:30 – 14:30 Role play: Platform Governance (By Organizing Team)

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14:30 - 14:45 Flash Talk: MisInformation / DisInformation

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14:45 - 16:00 Promoting Role of Youths in ICT Policy Discourses Round table with MPs and Policy Makers

Round table with MPs and Policy Maker

  • Hon MP Abdul Khan (Confirm)
  • Hon MP Pratima Gautam (Confirm)
  • Hon MP Ganesh Parajuli  (Confirm)
  • Hon MP Madhav Sapkota (Confirm)

Based on Concept Note of AI and IT & Cyber Security Bill

Presentation by: Ananda Gautam

16:00-16:15 Break

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17:00 - 18:00 Closing Plenary (Digital Landscape of Nepal: Challenges and Way Forward)


  1. Moderator: Ms. Usha Pandey (Head, Legal and Corporate Affairs, Daraz Nepal)


  1. Hon. MP Padam Giri
  2. Dr. Dila Sangroula
  3. Mr. Dipesh Bista
  4. Mr. Tara Nath Dahal
  5. Mr. Nagesh Badu

18:00 - 18:30 Closing

  1. Leadership Handover
  2. Closing Remarks by Babu Ram Aryal,  APSIG Chair
  3. Vote of Thanks by Host
  4. Closing Remarks by Chair, youth IGF Nepal

18:30 Onwards Reception (Invite Only)

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youth IGF Nepal 2024 Update

Organizing Committee

When & where

14th September 2024

Hotel Himalaya

Kupondole, Lalitpur 44600

9:30 A.M to 5:30 P.M

Get Directions

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