Youth IGF (yIGF) Nepal is now accepting Session Proposal for Youth IGF Nepal 2023

Youth IGF Nepal invites proposals for its annual flagship event, “Youth IGF Nepal 2023,” taking place on May 29th. The overarching theme for this year’s event is “Empowering Youths for an Open, Inclusive, and Secure Internet.” All stakeholders are welcome to submit session proposals based on the overarching theme and the following themes: Session Proposal:…

Universal Acceptance Event by youth IGF Nepal Banner

Universal Acceptance Day in Nepal

Universal Acceptance (UA) is a crucial issue that has been promoted by the Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) since 2015. The primary aim is to make the internet ecosystem inclusive, particularly in terms of domain names, email addresses, and all internet-enabled applications, regardless of the language script. To raise awareness about this issue, 28th March…

Mighty comeback of In-Person Internet Governance conferences: Attending APSIG, APrIGF and APNIC altogether as a fellow

Fellowship Opportunity  It was my very first time attending a regional IGF in person and I was very thrilled to have been selected as one of the 28 fellows from 19 different countries through the APrIGF-APSIG Joint Fellowship program. This year it was more exciting because Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF), Asia Pacific…

Youth IGF Nepal 2022

yIGF Nepal 2022 is a youth Initiative being organized to encourage and involve the young people in the substantive discussion on the Issues of Internet Governance. Given the fact that more than 40% of the current population of Nepal is represented by the youth. Youth IGF Nepal is an open forum that provides a platform for…